What Is Waste?

Waste refers to the items that we discard because we don’t need them. A lot of waste is in the form of trash or garbage. What’s the difference?

Well, trash is solid waste such as paper, card boxes, and so on. Garbage, on the other hand, refers to waste that comes from your kitchen or bathroom.

Waste comes from all kinds of sources, including individuals, homes, schools, offices, hospitals, industries. It also comes in infinite sizes, from something small like a rusty razor blade to something large like the body of an old truck.

Dry Waste

The dry mixed waste consists of waste that doesn’t decay. It is free of organic materials such as food. Dry mixed recycling helps materials find second lives. For example, glass can be recycled hundreds of times into new jars and bottles.

Below are some examples of dry waste which are commonly found in the home or at businesses:

  • Metal
  • Plastic
  • Glass
  • Cardboard
  • Textiles
  • Sawdust
  • Household junk
  • Cardboard and other mixed paper

Wet Waste

Wet waste is biodegradable. Recycling diverts food waste from landfill and turns it into compost. Restaurants, Mainly Kitchen waste such as Food, vegetables, eggs, etc. Wet waste is food biodegradable organic waste which can be composted. Dumping wet waste in landfills is environmentally undesirable & unsustainable as it deflects the landfill space, creates odour & generates dangerous methane grass.

Below are some examples of dry waste which are commonly found in the home or at businesses:

  • Organic food matter
  • Grease
  • Cooking fats
  • Hazardous waste
  • Oil
  • Other liquid waste produced as a by-product.

Biodegradable Waste

Biodegradable waste is a form of waste, originating naturally from plant or animal sources, which may be degraded by other living organisms.

Biodegradable waste can be usually found in municipal solid waste such as green waste, food waste, paper waste, and biodegradable plastics. Some of the sources contain human waste, sewage, slaughterhouse waste, etc.

  • Food waste.
  • Human waste.
  • Manure.
  • Sewage sludge.
  • Slaughterhouse waste.
  • Dead animals and plants, etc

Non-Biodegradable Waste

Unlike biodegradable wastes, non-biodegradable wastes cannot be easily taken care of. Non-biodegradable wastes are those which cannot be decomposed or degraded by natural agents. 

They remain on earth for thousands of years without any degradation or decomposition. Therefore, the threat caused by them is also more dangerous. Some of the examples of non-biodegradable waste are

  • plastics
  • metal
  • aluminum cans
  • tires
  • toxic chemicals
  • polystyrene, Etc.


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